
Industrial city, I jump up the buildings as they get bigger and taller- I end up on the tallest one and there's a path that leads into it. There are people that go with me into the "office", and when we enter the door there's a sign that says "two people can go on opposite sides". Here me and another person split up, they go around the side and I go forwards. This then cuts to us all going back down and we end up on the ground as soon as we fall off the building (I feel the air rush as I fall, very interesting experience). Somebody asks me if there was a garden there and I say no, but imagine in my head what it would be like and it's a japanese bamboo garden. Cut to a graphic of "The Australian Equinox Tower", shaped a bit like the Gherkin, split into levels. I see these levels appearing with each one having images in it/text. The top one says Trump and the one below it says Joe Biden. The next few are filled with random images and text memes- there's even a trollface one in there and I get angry at this because it's unfunny so I start moving some images to the bottom if I don't like them and don't think they should be next to the big offices. -Tambourines in the dark there somewhere too


Wedding event, super mario cart race of sorts- dancer shows me her routine on stage, front row audience moves back because the routine is shown only to me, very sophisticated lobby area, mother wants me to wear new jacket/coat, white dress-I forgot to put makeup on but go out anyway. I play as toadette in SMC rip-off game- I have to land on a big pink mushroom in a forest but fail to do so. Last scene is the dancers coming on stage through corridor while I tie my shoe- they have red flannels and black jeggins, and chains on their hip.


Strange reality tv/youtube program that I participate in? Set of characters: the annoying Antifa, The Guy Who Likes Her, The Guy Who Doesn't Like Her, Me. Huge fields covered in snow, little wooden shack and tunnel leading to the snowy fields. Guy Who Doesn't Like Her tells me that if we can trick Antifa we will be able to escape to the snowy fields with the gleaming sun. We hide in one corner of the tunnel while she looks for us in the other. Later on however, Guy Who Likes Her dies and so she and the Guy Who Doesn't Like Her start a relationship. She has a youtube channel also where they make videos about their son together.


Terraced playground, rain, Katy Perry is there as Alex's mother with his sister- we go into the playground and she starts signing random items- the rest I can't remember.


Shasta, getting ready for a date, mother helps me wash my hair, cuts to me escaping from a flaming rocket wheel on some volcanic land- reminds me a bit of Chu-Teng. Fields again, but only briefly. Can't really remember how this ties together.


Town centre,I'm with with an old man that looks like Dr. Emmett Brown from Back To The Future- I go in a book shop to go around while he goes through an alleyway- therefore we end up losing each other and I look for him. There are payphones on an aqueduct-looking building and a field to the left. The building that joins this one has an opening to the underground, as well as three shop doors close together. It gets a bit dark outside and the opening/doors get closed with nets instantly as if I'm in a game- I can't go through. The second part of the dream is me scrolling through a subreddit where people post music youtube links in one big masterpost- I find one that's a japanese music video- four girls in a neon-lit bar, first one starts singing, second one joins in- here I wake up for a moment and think that my headphones fell out or something because the music stops. I go back to sleep just as quickly and the headphones "go back in". I start scrolling through again and find a music video of Kezia, Mia and a bunch of other friends (the video is nearly exactly the same as Dorian Electra's Gentleman Dance video)- cuts to me telling them I found it by the lockers in M30 and them laughing, saying it only has 15,000 views, not that much.


Walk to a yard/field/park area through some lobbies- supposed to meet "Sports Leader" in parliament but the butler says they're not there so we go outside. On the way I make jokes with a guy that looks like Keanu Reeves and then he goes away. Our family settles down for a picnic on the grass and end up having a big argument- I go to hide by a brussel-sprout tree and eat some, then lay down on the grass and contemplate dying altogether- this then cuts to our family in the swimming pool, where all the people are in the small one while we have the big one- I fall in with a towel but float up so that only my ankles end up getting wet and not the towel. The space is small and dimly-lit like I'm in a liminal space photograph. My mother is teaching my sister how to swim underwater while I ask my dad if the end I'm standing on is the shallow or the deep end. Turns out it's the shallow end so I go in- right opposite the side of the pool I see a door to a classroom, with people in HGS uniform sitting inside- I wave to one girl and she waves back. I swim underwater and see my sister, then come back up and the dream ends. I wake up thinking the little bit of light coming from my window is actually two phones hanging from the chandelier so I think my parents put them there to teach us a lesson or something.


Ballet show in the sound testing venue by Waitrose, me showing Alex my locker with his coat there- that's all I remember but it was a big dream.


Mr Horner brings around locks as bookmarks for our planner- they look like the sparly pink flower gem that's on my phone, there's a bit that goes through and another smaller gem that goes on top- nobody knows how to open these though. Making an Osamu Sato presentation for my lesson, making a castle out of LSD screenshots by myself and selecting + moving bits around. Then I join bouncygang and a bunch of other servers as well like the "Eye of the Stone" which is supposed to be an Osamu Sato fan discord- goose has a server as well and I'm in it apparently. Direct messages pop up on the sidebar for some reason and I have to physically erase them using a pen tool for them to go away- Pyrocynical's face is underneath the messages as the background and Astolfo is above them.


Starts with me and my sister wanting to go explore an asylum center- we live in the forest so we make a "green wall" out of sticks and stuff piled on top so that we don't get lost and know where to come back- we go out the forest and out a gate and see a big castle in a mountain- a bus drives by that says "Delights For Disabled Delinquents" and it disappears on a road to the right. This happens a couple of times where we teleport to different sides of the castle and the bus always drives past in the same place. There is a drone shot of the castle then as if we're looking onto a map and it's supposed to be the Central Mountain of Tong Nou. We try to go to the road the the truck went to but we can't for some reason. Then this cuts to two families, the A-mong family and the A-bzhong family fighting with each other, with the A-mong family's mother killing somebody with a car by the A-bzhong family's house- the house looks like the one near my music teacher and the apartments there. These sequences get interrupted occasionally by a game thing where it's like golf but through the human body? The events are supposed to be happening in the body as well. As I'm playing I talk to a floating head that leads me around things- whenever I try go through "the blue artery" which is a white tube with streaks of blue, I get told that it's disgusting and not good. In this game I push little golf balls through the arteries and veins of somebody, and it's laid out as if I'm looking above and through, kinda like the person was halved. Whenever I get to a "hole" which is like a big cavity in the flesh mass, it cuts to a cutscene or an event, like the A-mong family fighting thing and also (I don't really remember here) a city in the dark with fog, where I'm flying mid-air like it's a still image. There's also a little episode somewhere where a guy is walking up the stairs with J.K.Rowling walking up in front of him, I say "Oh, you look like J.K.Rowling" to the guy as a joke and he looks at me with a joky-ironic stare (I can't really describe it but it was implying he didn't want to look like J.K. Rowling because she's bad) while she exclaims how wonderful of a person I am and goes on about random things. She also looks much younger here and has brown hair.


Two families in one house- this house looks like the one we lived in when we were in London; "Paper 1" is me and my sister and my mother looks after us and "Paper 2" is another girl with just her mother, they both look like Pink for some reason. In the middle of the night my mother checks that I'm sleeping because all this time my sister was doing spellings with her and now it's my turn? She wakes me up and I go to check on the other girl but both her and her mother are gone- my mum says that the girl is probably dead and her funeral is already starting, that's why her mother isn't there. There were some bits about underwater tasks or something but I can't remember that.


Train from King's Cross to China- you have to pay for a ticket but I apparently took the same train before without paying so I decide to do it again, but I'm scared. As the conductor is talking to some other passengers, I walk past and go right to the back of the train where there are some free seats- there are some blue, green and pink ones, and at first I think the end of the last carriage is completely empty, but then I see a guy there so I don't sit down there. The whole train is filled with what I assume are homeless people, but the interior is very lavish and luxurious. The next part of the dream is private so I won't share it here but it involves Alex :). Then it cuts to me in some survival-like snow desert camp: I am the youngest there and all the adults make fun of me for not being able to fly a plane (it's supposed to be like an airport but an emergency one or something). Eventually I get so angry that I hijack one of their passenger planes and start ramming the thing into every other plane up in the air, plus the airport itself- the plane I use doesn't break but everything else explodes and sets on fire- this scene is very violent and a lot of people die. Then I climb out of the plane and suddenly I'm way bigger in size, as though all these things were just toys- I look at the passenger plane that's completely destroyed and notice two little toy people and a toy cat in there- one of the people is a little girl in a pink dress with black hair and she's hanging off a "rail"- supposedly the planes had metro lines running through them; the other is a boy in a yellow shirt and blue shorts and the cat is black and white. I pick these up thinking to myself that it's good that I decided to become big when I did because otherwise the girl would have fallen and died. I call them "plastibles" and put them in a basket- somebody else is there with me, and they tell me to put them in the little box with the other plastibles- in this box there's a feather, a small green iguana and a red bead. I then wake up for a bit because I thought it was time for school, and, still kinda asleep, think about how I managed to destroy the other planes without destroying mine, and then realise that in real life using bombs would be much easier, but I tell myself this is terrorism. I go back to sleep and I dream of making a kids' book similar to the game Rhythm 'N' Face with lime green text about what happened in that airport.


Laura from ballet showing us a picture of what she did to her boyfriend (like Jodie) and then he comes- we all wait in a play-house sort of room with books and cars and fake shops. Everyone is laughing and then the dance starts- I mess around with people while Laura and her boyfriend turn into korean pop idols with long gowns and start dancing. I race with this one guy to see who's fastest by a purple car, but I lose. I pass out and wake up to a phone call so I go into the living room- like our kitchen in Russia to give the phone to Laura who's supposed to be my mum at this moment? She's asleep with no blanket or anything just in the middle of the sofa. Turns out this was my alarm in real life and so I woke up.


School, I'm in music and then I go to art- the building is different and my dad leads me to art for some reason. I go grab my folder from where they're all placed and then head upstairs to the art room but there's a note saying that it will be in M4 instead. I go down there and there's already an English class in there- the classroom looks a bit like the one I used to go to in the English school near Spar. Our class sees Ms. Holmes across from the door and we go ask her where we are going to be- she tells us to wait by the group of year 7s waiting to go on a school trip. These year 7s have pies in front of them and are being told something by a teacher. We sit down on the same table as them and suddenly there's less of them, one girl turns around and says- "Hey, I need your opinion on this- Ms. Holmes told me off for having thick eyebrows (P.S. the girl didn't have thick eyebrows) but she has bright red hair, how is that allowed?". I don't remember what happens next but I know it's something to do with Niamh and the art class.


Dream is split into four parts- the first part is where I meet up with Alex and this part is private again so I won't mention it. The second part is me at school in M30 on our first lesson back from the summer holidays after the GCSE exams: we all wait for Mr Horner to come but Jodie says that she knows Ms Bunker will come instead and she does. She gives us a match-up activity or something similar and while we're doing it a group of year 7 girls all wearing green hijabs walk past with a trolley each- we have to let them pass through and they line up one after another. In this part of the dream there was a lot of banter between me and my friends- Fariha was also being loud there for no reason. Then there is a scene that I'm in Spanish class and the room looks very strange- not the usual classroom, but rather a mix of M1 and another room from the laptop school dream before- It's mostly empty, I walk in quite late to class and have to choose a seat near to the back on an empty row- nobody sits next to each other, it's all very sparse. The dream then cuts to me and Sasha in a grocery shop. I'm trying to buy myself something to eat, although I've already spent the one pound I had (in 20p coins) on something earlier so I decide to try use my thumb like I do at school. In my tote bag I already have thin chocolate biscuits of some sort but I want more food. I go around putting things in my tote bag on a trolley and then the same thing happens with the girls in the green hijabs, although this time me and Sasha (she's wearing her blue jumper by the way) have to squeeze right by an aisle to let them walk past. They line up with their trolleys one after another and a man shouts for us to let them walk past. They are supposed to be given some berry tarts each or something, and I see the big pot of tarts that will be given to them. We are told that they need to line up like that so it's easier to give out the tarts. Then after this is all done, me and Sasha decide to go find something more to eat in the shop- there's nowhere to go apart from an aisle blocked with stacks of Corona Beer and canned pickles. Laughing, I go on top of the beer packs, move one out of the way to clear space, then grab a pickle jar, joke about how if I dropped it it would be a bad thing, put it on a shelf with some kit-kats nearby and go through the aisle. Sasha follows. We get to a rotating display-thing that is often seen in shops- it has little weird curiosities on it like earrings in the shape of bottles with glitter, or random 3d stickers of fortune-telling crystals and similar stuff. I don't realise they're stickers at first and so I peel of a purple crystal ball sticker with some black silhouettes in it and then put it back. I then think back to the trolley and realise I have no actual money to pay with, so I tell Sasha and we leave the shop. The next scene is us in a very strange field- The sky is dark, but there's still a little bit of light- kind of like a grey sunset. I decide to film a youtube video so I start recording and gesturing with my hands around the area while Sasha does the splits in her all-blue tracksuit and I film her doing this. I film the dark grey sky I see in between the trees and then stop the recording, deciding to go a bit further in that direction to investigate. I end up near a waterfall pool-like thing that's very small but the water is neon blue, like in a usual swimming pool. There's a cat sitting on a small mat-floatie in the middle of this pool/waterfall and there are ducks swimming around it. The cat occasionally meows and tries to reach a duck with its paw. This reminds me of a girl with swimming goggles jumping very straightly up and down (very fast as well) into the water and out of it, so fast that she stretches out as you watch her. I try help the cat reach the ducks but I'm unsuccessful. The next part of the dream is about a game similar to those that Osamu Sato makes- in fact it's supposed to be one of his games. I am in the game itself here. My mum is driving a pink motorcycle and I'm behind her with my sister- the motorcycle flies a bit like a camera panning over the landscape, but at high speed. The landscape changes from different deserted atmospheres in yellow-orange colours, and it's all rendered very weirdly, realistic but something is off a bit. There's a landscape with cactuses and bright yellow sand and my mum says that this is how the "пустырь" (deserted area) near our house in Russia should be (instead it's been used to build large blocks of flats). We then fly towards some cliffs that at first look real, but as we get closer my sister shouts that they're "Careers" meaning they're artificially made, and this is true- we see they're made out of plastic crates of single colours stacked on top of one another. We fly very fast by this and see a huge grey metropolis made out of big wire- it's empty and looks like an art piece on a huge scale. There's even a tower that looks like the St. Basil Cathedral in Russia. The game then cuts to a mini-game within it- called the Disco, where you have to press "the radio" to begin. As soon as this mini-game loads up here, I can tell it's not going to work as it's corrupted. The mini-game switches off, but not before I see what it looks like, with a metallic pink menu and flashing neon pink borders. We continue flying on the motorcycle and a green circle sometimes appears in the middle of the screen view, covering my mother who's sitting in the front as if I'm controlling where she goes through the game. We get to the inhabited part of the wire city and it starts to not look like just wire anymore- here it's more like the LEGO police set with the different buildings and fire tower. There are people working by it that look like they have Star Wars costumes on. I ask my mother if we're playing Star Wars here and she says maybe. We then come to a halt as a black figure that looks like one of the trolls from Homestuck (but in human form, more realistic than the cartoony style they're drawn in). A lot of dust comes from the motorcycle. We realise there's going to be a fight between us and this figure. The screen cuts to a dark blue background with a flashing light blue circle in the middle slightly towards the bottom- the colour scheme is like that of Persona 3 a bit. The troll figure is small in the middle of this circle and for some reason the resolution here is very low so I can hardly see what's going on. I see a figure of Minato near it. I start shooting at the thing with the rifle I have right in front of me and the animation is very low-quality, with just blue pixelated blobs hitting the figure (like the Progresstein 3D thing in the Progressbar phone game). They do nothing but if I hit the combo right at the right time it hits the figure and it bends over, grey letters and numbers plus a circle coming from it. After I "defeat" the troll, my mum goes on the motorcycle up the stairs of the fire tower. Here we get interrupted by the green circle again that says "Well done!"- this then cuts to the Disco mini-game again but this time it's not corrupted because we defeated the troll that corrupted it. The menu starts up but it doesn't ask to click the radio. I step away from the game (like I wasn't in it) and think about how I should find the separated .iso for the mini game inside the game files and download it so that I can make sure I'm playing the non-corrupted version and so that I can play it separately on an emulator instead of through this game. This is the end of my dream.


Me and Alex are on a walk- we go by a pond on some swings and there are two Christian ladies that preach to us about God and how swings are against his word- I argue with one of them while the other shouts things. Alex takes a blanket from a tree and I'm upset because the ladies didn't help him. We go around Cambridge and he asks if I want to go see his school to which I say yes. It's a huge university-like campus with a restaurant buffet and lots of other things- we go to eat something there and a lady called Angla gives us some chicken. This then cuts to my discord server stew getting raided by a guy called Xenos. He's renaming all the roles and moving everyone, as well as deleting messages and channels and jumbling everything up. Partack is joking about it in chat and I ask him to move me back up to the highest role so that I can ban the guy, which I do. I leave the server as it is saying I will fix it later.


In a very lavish house- I'm a maid and there's a guy in a velvet red coat who's supposed to be good (he's called Joules). A rude businessman with a silver cigar walks into the house and Joules runs into a pantry to hide because the businessman is there to make Joules pay some debt he owed to him. The businessman turns around for one moment and Joules runs outside, but the businessman sees him. I start chasing after Joules but he's surprisingly fast and the businessman gets angry at me for trying to help him so he hits me with a thornberry branch? Then we both start running some more to look for Joules and see someone who looks like him on a bike. We shout at him and the person with him, but it turns out they're just passerbys. The business man turns into a girl about my age in a blue dress and hops onto a bicycle- I go behind. We talk about going on a journey to Spain, Italy and Britain and my sister appears next to us as well. We stop at a creek and see the blue sea right by our feet- the girl then says that we can't go to Italy and I ask her if it's because we're on the same island as Spain so that would be easier- she doesn't respond. We then go around the creek and see a harbour cafe- like a dock overhanging onto the sea. There are spray-painted words on the side that say "Our manager excruciatingly died but tourists still relax here". I tell the girl this when we sit down at a table and I say that the manager's teeth were pulled out one by one and that's how he died. That's the end of the dream.


My mother wants us to go on a hanging tower attraction in Japan- it's a big super-high skyscraper with 800 painted on the side and there are rope bridges coming from it on all sides. There is a rope bridge with just wooden planks and then the rest are lined with mats and plushies. The challenge is to climb across to the middle of the tower without falling to your death using the plushies and mats. My mum and sister did this quickly but I cry and don't want to go at all because I'm really scared. In the end I think of how there's no other way so I grab a red mat and it starts swinging so I cry more but then get the hang of it and start sliding on my front from one mat/plushie to the next. At last I grab a cinnamon bear plushie and swing it onto the tower edge, climbing next to my sister. We now have to leave the tower and we can either use the "climbing stairs" or the rope bridge. I ask to use the "stairs" because I don't want to go through that again and my mum says okay. There's a hole in the middle for throwing rubbish and my sister nearly falls in it so I scold her for it. We then approach a platform where some other people are standing and wait for the "stairs" to come- these are actually really strange lifts with people moderating them. They ask us to turn around so that they could handcuff us and there are 4 different-coloured lifts that we could go on. We choose yellow because it's the smallest and furthest. My mum's hands hurt so she can't fold them properly so the lady can't put the handcuffs on properly either. We go in and are told to go take up a space- I'm first through the gate so I go right to the best spot and put my arms out in a circle so that my whole family could get the good spot as well. Then we're told to split into colours at which point all the reds go to one corner, the blues to another, and so on. We are then lowered down and the first part of the dream ends. The second part is about me and Alex going to some freshly-ploughed fields. We look around and notice that there's nobody there so you can guess what happens. However later there is a lady in a pink dress that comes and tells us off for going on the fields saying that "Yandev will be angry". I keep asking if we could go along the road- not on the field, but along it to get to Letchworth but she says this will make him angry too.


A sequence of dreams before a big event again. The first bit is I'm supposed to go to school to do an exam on Sunday. I get there and it's an old building that looks like M30 on the inside- there are girls from my class there like Freya and they call it "French". I can see people inside doing the exam but they're talking and laughing. They talk to me about Alex and Amy G. says she saw him. There is a sunny road where I usually meet him, then a tunnel that goes into the woods. This tunnel leads to a clearing surrounded by hedges, and if you look up and to the right you will see the old building covered in yellow and red vines. I see him and run up there- his dad will be waiting for us to pick Alex up in the car. I cover the tunnel entrance with a coat and :). Then it cuts to me in the clearing waiting to be told what to do for the exam. I'm led to the M30 room and given a booklet. The exam is just a word search and I don't know if it's in French or in English but I assume English. After this everyone is led to the clearing where we're sat on a bench and the teacher starts talking, but I interrupt her, saying I have to go see Alex now or I'll be late. She doesn't let me go so I start crying and panicking but then I remember that this is not the real day and so I just "switch" that dream off. The next sequence is me meeting Alex in that tunnel again but when we go towards the clearing I tell him we'll need to run to get past the "school" unnoticed. We go to run but the clearing isn't even there. Instead, there's a road with some buildings across it so we cross to try get to Purwell Ninesprings. Once we cross we see a station right on our left with a huge amount of people and buildings and noise- kind of like a market but with a train. There's a big sign that says "Stevenage". Behind the station I see the Wymondley fields and I say that maybe we could get into town through the station and go to the fields. At this point I realise again that this isn't the real dream and so I wake up and that's the end.


I don't remember the first part of the dream but the second part was me and my family working on a huge uphill conveyer belt, lifting up containers of yarn and dragging them up only to roll them back down. I'm then at the wedding of the girl we were dragging the yarn for, and I'm very angry that she treats her workers so poorly so I hold up a teddy bear with a ribbon on it that says sometihng like "8 workers matter too" and I'm really scared because she might react badly to seeing it, but she just ignores it.


School, I go to the canteen and they tell me off for going there for some reason. I go to Jodie's PE/English class where the teacher is Ms. Le Page. She starts telling Jodie and Niamh off for not doing their English work properly as she scribbles on their books in purple pen. I'm worried because I need to go to my English class already but I don't want to. I decide to go when it's 12:00 and so I go down the stairs from the classroom which was where the library is, but like M30- I meet my mum on the way down and she asks if I'm okay. I say yes and think to myself that I'm going to tell my English teacher that I just felt sick for half an hour and that's why I'm late. This cuts to me waking up an hour late the next day and everything is in a huge panicked rush, I run to school but end up arriving completely on time with the others.


Getting ready for some show with people from our year- Sasha, Ella McLaughlin and Kezia are there. We're in a dressing room of sorts and we get news that "Peppa has started her run". I get this first so I run over to the window and see an animation of Peppa Pig going through various obstacles such as eating triangles and putting flowers on her head to cross a bridge. This is all in different colours, 2D and using only silhouettes of Peppa and the objects. I tell Sasha and she saysa that Peppa nearly ate everything so I go over to see a reaction youtuber react to Peppa's run and in the video Peppa is supposed to be turning cough sweets into cough syrup so the things she eats are actualy cough sweets. The cough syrup is spreading, meaning Peppa is doing well- the camera zooms out so it's like we're looking far down onto the whole run. I then go over to Sasha and start singing the Polish cow song- she doesn't recognise it but Ella does and we sing it together. This then cuts to me and Alex going on a walk near the big bench park by the roundabout. We see Ellie A and I shout her name from behind but she goes in circles so we see her again and this repeats.


Tunnel room like the milky way from Chu-Teng. I am supposed to meet Alex there so I go to sit on a fake plastic tree that's at the end of the tunnel waiting with some friends. I then realise that Alex isn't going to come because "Mr. Brown" forgot to switch a steam conditioning unit off. I go to the outside of the tunnel and it leads to M29 where there are people sitting in an English class and a big pipe coming from the ceiling. There was a bigger story behind this but I can't remember what it was.


Fields and the land of dreams like usual, I don't remember the story well but it was very vibrant and involved a little shop and two kids as well as me.


In the dream I'm playing a game in graphics at the same time similar and not to Talons from TempleOS. In the first half of the game I have to control a girl walking around and I'm supposed to be in jail. I'm on an island with a shop block in the middle and shacks for people to live in- I try go to the cafe but it's padlocked so I break the padlock and open the wired gate but Mr Adams (who's supposed to be like the police) sees me. I run inside and start grabbing food items from the shelves that I want, like a jar of nutella and some oreos. At this point I somehow realise I'm in a dream so I start behaving even worse and eating the nutella out of the jar. Mr Adams tries to stop me and chases me around the place, saying that when I wake up I'll regret it, but I continue. At the end I guide my girl character out to the beach and there's a scene where it shows the unedited picture of her for some reason and then I slowly lead her to the sea where she goes into a little hole in a block deep down and drowns. Then it cuts to me playing a different game "on my ds" (it's actually on a big monitor like the one in Russia) and I'm controlling Link through very beautiful fields and mountains. I fall and die though and it drops stuff like in minecraft. This cuts to me finishing a portrait and sticking it onto a huge board with different paintings and portraits on it- I did it on A3 but it looks tiny compared with everything else. I realise that there's a second sheet of paper I need to use and unroll it at the bottom of the board but decide it's too much of a hassle so I decide to go with just one huge board. I then get teleported back to the first island game, where I'm just passively playing around- I jump onto some roofs and then see that there are "action figures" (the collectible in the game) scattered between the ledges on the wall, so I slowly jump down to collect all of them. A ghost frog also appears on one of the ledges but it moves very fast so I can't catch it in time before it goes into the sea. I try going there as well but I don't drown like I did the first time.


I'm meeting up with Alex in a strange forest area with an alleyway and 4 sectioning parts coming off of it. We always go into the third or fourth one but today when we go into the fourth one some people come out of nowhere from a nearby house. We get very scared so we run away through the different parts until we get to a fence and this is where we turn into dogs for some reason. I start crying and ask if we can go to the second part of the forest although it's not ideal, and so we do. There is also some private stuff in this dream which I won't mention, but after that the dream cuts to me creating an art project of sorts with my sister- I'm in the middle of a huge detailed shining vortex and my sister in on the table in the middle. I pour white paint into a small tub and ask her to stand in it so that I can make flowers or something later. She does so but my mother walks in and my sister has to leave, I shout at her for getting the paint everywhere and then think how it wouldn't even work to make flowers in white paint.


I only remember the last part of the dream here- me and Sasha went on a walk and she asks for my mum to pick her up. I say sure and call my mum, she asks where to pick us up from and I get confused about whether we should do the bus stop near the roundabout by the bridge or BnM. In the end I pick BnM and so we go there. On the way Jodie joins us and I hope that she won't go in the car with us because there's not much room. We get there and wait and nobody comes, so Jodie and Sasha go up the levels of the parking lot to look for the car. It's raining a lot. Somebody comes up behind me and I tell them that my friends are up in the parking lot and that they'll be down soon. Sasha is wearing a bright pink coat so I see her in the parking lot coming down. We all sit down in our car then, my mum is driving, Jodie is in the front seat and me and Sasha and my dad are in the back. I ask Jodie whether she's going to leave because we were only going to pick up Sasha, but she says no so my mum drives her close to her house through some fields.


The first part of the dream is me and my sister in a big house like the one in Shasta. There's a policeman in our house and he tells us that mum died, and then tells us how apparently he had a revolver tank outside our window (I look out and the playground reminds me of it for a minute) and she got shot by accident. I don't believe this and my suspicions are confirmed when I get a phone call from her telling us she's okay. The policeman then cracks and tells us that she and other people are stranded in the desert and that telling us that would have been more stressful. It cuts to me seeing the people in the desert, and they're trying to catapult themselves out "like the great explorers did before". Everything is in black and white. I see mum and she gives us a wooden book to play with and says she'll be back soon. We end up back home and she comes as well- we find out ti was all just a hoax. The next part is me working in science to get ready for some exam- I'm working with Amy Green. We have to fill in a big sheet that describes a character, and we'd have to write an essay about that character in the exam. Ms Abegglen comes to get us from M15 and I take the sheet with me. I get lost for a bit but then see people going to M30 so I go there as well- there's still a lesson there (economics) so we wait for them to finish. Instead of a door there are huge black drama curtains, and I see Imogen sitting on the front row with her dog so I smile. We then go inside and sit down for the exam, the camera cuts to everyone just getting ready.


Me and Sasha at a wishing well magical rabbit hole. There are two entrances- one for wishes and one for people. Underneath is a cove like in Totoro with sunlight and lots of greenery. We keep trying to make our wishes come true but nothing works so I decide to put the wish in the big hole and myself go in the little hole. I get teleported to a very fancy modern kitchen that's supposed to be our school food tech room- there are people standing around a table, four including me, and a lad with curly hair tells us we need to make lunch for her with the ingredients she gives us. I decide to make a snowman out of rice with fish inside it. I get carried away talking with the other people on the table while I'm rolling the rice. Lorelle helps me roll the big rice ball and I take it from her. I run out of time so I just put the three balls of rice on top of each other- it's a bit sloppy but it works. Then my dream cuts to me sending an email to Jodie as a confession about me liking the boy she's dating now called Addy. I regret sending this email because it's not true and I don't like it but I know it's too late to delete it as she has probably already seen it. This is set in a garden centre/parking lot/stage area. Anastasia gets involved because supposedly she knows something that the guy sent to her but we find out she's not telling the truth.


I'm supposedly going to a school meeting about revision and stuff with Sasha- we're standing outside a big building (like a shop) on our phones, looking at a picture-sharing app. I see a scrolling picture that goose posted full of random people and it's very funny to me. I ask Sasha if it's true that the assembly will end at 15:00, not 11:00 like I thought and she says it's actually meant to be 17:00 to which I get annoyed. We then walk past Jordan and some of his friends to get in as Mr Cave tells us what's going on over a megaphone- he says that he's going to help the "year group that doesn't really make us proud that much", referring to us. We all go in and it turns out it's a big playhouse obstacle course race- Mario Team VS Luigi Team. My sister is there and she goes right at the front of the luigi team. I did this obstacle course before do I know exactly how to solve the puzzles- I decide to help her. Before the timer starts a few people from our team slip into the obstacle course, and none of the other group notices, so we have a headstart. The start signal sounds and we start to run through the course- at first it's like a softball playground with orange pipes and red mesh, where there are two gates at the start and end. I end up going to the wrong gate but it doesn't matter. Then this leads off into a moving train, where I take the lead by jumping over soft green seats. Eseniya catches up to me and we start racing against a kid from the other team who's leading there. We then get teleported to a desert with a big tree in the middle- I tell Eseniya to look for the secret hatch, and she finds it before the other kid, who tries to grab the paper cards she found out of her hands. These cards are supposed to contain clues on where to go next but because I already know, we don't need to waste time looking. One of them says something about Osamu Sato though. The kid (now dressed up as Donald Trump) jumps into a Victorian car and is about to speed off but I tell him "tail gating" is illegal so he has to take us along. He leaves his assistant behind because he's being selfish so I tell the strange non-verbal Osamu-like creature to step on the foot of the car with me so that we can ride along. This then cuts to me taking the lead again, riding the final stage on a red bull. I'm supposed to break The King's Pyramid out of a line of pyramids by speeding up and crashing through them all. I speed up and go forwards, but don't gain enough speed to crash through all of the pyramids, so I stop one before the King's one- a red pyramid out of wood. I decide to go the hard way while I still have time and grab a big stick called an Ura and start beating the pyramid. After a few tries it collapses and I move onto the King's Pyramid- three nations and three flags line up behind me, watching- they're singing a song about Apollo and stars and how I came as a descendant of him to save them from the king. I get my red bull again and try smashing it that way but it doesn't work, so I get the Ura and start beating it. I think I finished at one point but it turns out I need to break it some more. The pyramid falls and my dream ends.


Me and Alex on a date :) We go to town to look in a curiosity shop like the one from an earlier dream. We meet Martina on the way there and she asks where we can find the baloon shop to get some rubber balls, I tell her it's gone. We go on the hill (this looks like the Purwell hill) to have a picnic with Scarlett and her friends, it's supposed to be a welcome dinner or something like that. We then leave with a goodbye after we're done and go on the other side of the hill to do something. I lay out a thick duvet and some maps so that we can lie on it, right by a dell of some sort. The sun is very golden and bright and the whole scene is extremely nice but I see a man coming along in a black coat by the edge of the dell. He tells us police are coming because somebody fell into the dell and crashed to death, and they're coming to retrieve the body. I start frantically packing everything up because me and Alex don't want to go there if there's a body and then the police arrive. They descend into the dell and take out a body in a green bin bag. I ask Alex if I'd still be able to hug him and he says probably not so I get a bit upset and flip the police off for ruining our evening :(


Something to do with our cats, like we got a new kitten that didn't take too kindly to Bead and Sim-Card.


I am standing with Sasha in a queue to buy something in a shop, but there are covid restrictions so I can't stay with her to buy a lollipop as I'm also buying one. I wait for my turn and the cashier says for me to go to the till that's down the corridor and two rows to the left- I go there and there is a wall to my left so I cannot find the till I was supposed to. I decide to take the next logical option which is to see where the other tills are and find the one that's working. I see a woman two tills down from the lady at the till before and I head down to her. To my right is a big hall where two sailors are practicing a dance on big mats. I tell the lady I'm supposed to buy something here and the conversation is very awkward because she doesn't understand what I'm trying to say. She asks me how I got in here and I say that me and my friend Sasha were going to buy lollies from the shop but I got lost. She laughs and scolds me for not staying with Sasha, to which I think "that's stupid". She tries calling up the main till but they don't answer and I don't want to talk to her anymore so I just say that I'll try find it on my own. I go around looking at the tills and into the hall, thinking that maybe these two dancers were the till I was supposed to go on- by the hall entrance there are old wooden stairs covered with blue carpet and I think about going up there but decide against it as the lady said the till is on the first floor. I return back to where the tills were originally and find myself in a green malachite casino- at first, it's normal, but I begin to see scary people walking in and standing motionlessly around the place- goths and women with ashes instead of their skin, all smoking and staring at me. I begin to get terrified and sit down on a bench near the entrance to clear my head. There is an aggressive dog that tries to rip my face off but I manage to beat it. I then see the entrance tills to my side, with Evita getting into a self-checkout one behind a till. I decide to just leave the shop that way without buying anything, and I see that Sasha and the shop aren't there, but instead there are huge glass doors leading to a snowy field outside (the shop is like a mansion in the middle of a field). One problem though is that the only way to get out is to get "screamed out", so someone has to use their voice to push you out of the glass. I suddenly get grabbed by a tall woman in a white dress, and she screeches "Analaise" so that I get thrown outside- this part is the most scary because my face distorts and everything turns into a haze so I'm very disoriented in my dream. I then make a run for it, even though I don't remember the way back to my house- I go past a cube building with the words "working class" on it which is supposed to be our school, right by the gates of the mansion. I then run into an alleyway with a garbage truck in the middle of it, and I jump over some blue barriers and over the truck to get past. I then walk past a row of houses and see a chihuahua to which I shout and run faster. I get to the town centre but everything is in really strange format- the names of the shops are in Russian but the town is in England still. I forget which way I should go and start going back where I came from, but see that way is really dark, so I head where there's sunlight instead. I then think to myself that maybe I should go check what's going on in the mansion still, so I start running back, but I see that it's really really dark so I get terrified again and run back. I then fall asleep before reaching my house and dream about a midsommar-like festival by the mansion in the summer, where I'm with a group of women in white dresses and flower crowns and everything is very hazy and dream-like. I then remember thinking that I don't want to step onto the grass of the mansion, and this is a very strong feeling, so I tell myself I don't want to be here anymore and I wake up.