I'm a bArBiE GuRl

I've had a lot of fun discovering rare games recently.
/vr/ is surprisingly good looking past the cesspit that is 4chan- they found Chu Teng after it was considered lost media despite the first failures of trying to negotiate with Japanese collectors.
I just really wish some guy would find Roly Polys World Tour in his attic too- literally the only game left out of the collection and the sequel to the first newly found Roly Polys. However having Victorian Park would also be nice. I'll try playing Bvoid soon and see how it goes although there might be emulation issues. Also why are some movies missing in Chu Teng WIP4?
Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei Jawoll mein Schatz es ist vorbei Doch du musst nicht traurig sein Du bist ja nicht lang allein denn Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei Mein Schatz es ist vorbei
I miss the non-corporate days of the internet. When each website had a personal statement rather than a proffessional clean-cut presentation- the days of gifs and glitter and 88x31 buttons, the Wild West of the World Wide Web: ultimately the golden age of the technological era. There was no minimalistic BS that strips away personality and leaves every website looking the same, with the same old white background, same old perfectly aligned elements and simple icons: there was just sickeningly flashing FREEDOM, cats, pizza. Lots of it. That's why I made Tainted Eggs. A spit on modernised internet.
The Internet Archive has launched a GEOCITIES GIF SEARCH-ENGINE!
You can find search for all sorts of GREAT ANIMATED GRAPHIC INTERCHANGE FORMAT files!
Like this one:
"This isn't a day you want to die on, you'll regret it later." -JC Gaming
Y'know what I really want? A cyber oasis for the year 2000, complete with blobby tech and outdated futurism.
If humans are going to colonize Mars, what would the internet look like? Will there be two internets, one on Mars, one on Earth? Or would there be a interplanetary super internet? Would it be decentralized, so that two copies of the same internet are on both planets and get synced up?
I have a G R E A T idea!!!!! Gymnastics at work!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!1`12@#@ I mean, you know those 9-17 jobs right? You sit ALL DAY long. That can't be healthy, and I think that must get pretty boring. But what if you have some gymnastics every day! Or at least a few days! Then ALL people from the WHOLE office go to a gymnastic room, and then do fun gymnastics together! Sporting together is A LOT more fun then sporting alone, I think. Imagine playing Dodgeball together with your colleagues!
jeez. Ads again? This is so annoying. "YOU NEED THIS SHAMPOO, IT MAKES YOUR LIFE GREAT AND IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS SHAMPOO YOUR LIFE WILL BE MISERABLE FOR EVER AND ETERNITY!" No I don't want this. No. Please. I just want to watch that program. Why do I have to watch this? Why does it have to be like this? What went wrong in this world? Is capitalistic society so great after a- AWWW YISSS IT STARTS :D
Ok so you want to copy some stuff from this site? listen here, I DON'T CARE. Just do whatever you want. You don't need my permission. This may lead to terrible things, but my permission isn't going to stop you from doing very terrible. Please be nice.
Shining light Another day turns in to rain Eternal fight I waited all my life Take me away Million miles away from here Take me away Find the place for you and me You taken me higher Highest I could be You take me away Forever you and me Take me away The tears I cried Kept the morning shined I needed time To make up my mind Take me away Million miles away from here Take me away Find the place for you and me You taken me higher Highest I could be You take me away Forever you and me Take me away Just take me away Million miles away from here Take me away Find the place for you and me You taken me higher Highest I could be You take me away Forever you and me Take me away
I was watching tv, and then I wanted to watch a program for the start, so I press a button on my remote which let me do that - one of the benefits of digital television. But then I wanted to forward a little, AND THE STUPID BOX SAID "THIS CHANNEL WON'T LET YOU FORWARD". WTF? This proves that that media company(in my case ISP) is only there for the money and not for the one who is paying and watching. (I used to be able to forward)
This is not the first WTF of my ISP. Their internet is decent, except for the fact that you also have to pay for tv, email and phone if you want internet, which of course has a ridiculous starting price. Oh, and this ISP together with an other ISP have more than 80% of the available market in the country. A few months ago, there was half a day no internet aswell. My main complaint of their internet is the lack of improvement(probably because they already got a huge part of the market). A few years ago, there sure was! And I know there are a lot of improvements that can be made, but development seems to have stagnated.
Their tv box is so slow. When you press a button, you'll have to wait 1-3 seconds to see something happening on the screen. Humans are not made for that kind of patience. You are able to "record" at an additional fee, but you only have so-many space. After a year they are thrown away. They aren't saved locally; rather it's more of an "pointer" to a start and end date and time of the program in combination with the broadcaster. When you "play" the recording, you request that time to be downloaded to the box. That reason given, I don't think there is a "need" for space, really.
I just want to watch some creative work and enjoy it. Why do things have to be like this.
I want freedom.
(Also, I may not be right about the numbers and stuff - but you get the idea. and it's a rant and an opinion blah blah)
It was tuesday the 28th, October 2014. I woke up late. Too late. I was exhausted, even thought the day before I was at home, doing nothing. Heck, I had one week vacation before it! I quickly changed my clothes, my mother prepared some bread for me, but there was no time to eat it. I had to go to the bus station, otherwise I would miss my bus. Afterall, it was a big day.
I was going to a school where you could go after your high school. To educate further, like an university. I looked forward to it, because, well it seemed fun to see that.
But my stomach, my head, and some other body parts didn’t agree that time. I felt really weak. My body went with the bus. My stomach was feeling odd. I was really hungry.
So I got to there, eating only half a piece of bread. I met the rest of my class, where I never could find my place in. We had to wait for 40 minutes. Standing. That felt horrible. The headache and the ill feeling just wouldn’t stop.
Then we went through all sorts of boring stuff. Talks about “your future”, and how “awesome” this school is. “Yeah! Look at us! Programming in motherfuckin’ Visual Basic! That can’t do the school next door, right? Come to us, and you’ll have an wonderful fun and rich career!”
Thankfully, the pause arrived. Enough already. We all got a energy bar full with sugar! And unhealthy drinks that have also lots of sugars in it! And Caffeine, too! Boy, after 4 hours awake without a breakfast, those sugars, those acids, were great! I suddenly felt very energized, after those boring hours of nothingess and the long time of exhausting hunger.
Then, more boring stuff. I made a small car wooden car that runs on elastics. yey. How educating and fun is this school(irony). That was what I realised after making it, but during it I was very impulsive and unfocussed, but very energized. So it was fun, and I was like “WOOAAA IT DRIVESSS” while almost not paying attention to what anyone says. After that, we had a lunch. With proper sandwitches! I ate 2 of the huge things, and then put another one in my bag to eat later.
Yes. You guessed it. We had to go to your school after it. But that was OK. Since those things were really tasty. I was full of energy. I felt happy. I practically didn’t care about anyone in school. I walked very happily throught it.
I went to my advanced math class, did some stuff, then went home. While waiting for the bus I thought “nah let’s don’t go to school anymore”. Just out of nothing. I didn’t think about that earlier or something.
That was my final day.
I told my parents, and they just sort of had to deal with it. They dealt with it nicely, even thought they didn’t like it, because they really, really did their best for me to do school.
I did well.
I went the past few weaks after that to English class, but that was it. It was more for fun then for anything else. Just sitting back in class. Paying attention, having fun.
This is a piece of text with experiences of me with Linux that sucked. If you like this, check out Bryan Lunduke's Linux Sucks.
I actually love Linux! I love to program on it, and to do kewl stuff with terminals, and of course, to just use it.
sudo chmod -R /
and it won't tell you that destroying your system is probably not what you want.FruitGish has changed their name to Douk Nouk Kem. joppiesaus: gagagaga douk nouk kem joppiesaus: HAHAHA Douk Nouk Kem: i shutt Douk Nouk Kem: alien Douk Nouk Kem: from losangeles
... and a lot more!
A fresh wind is blowing through my life (does this make sense?)
boat is like drugs too much drugs and you die but not as a skeleton i mean for real man dont do boat ~anonymousI feel crap right now and that's ok
I have 1 chiken and a cock in the backyard. First we had 5 chiken and 1 cock. but then one night later a chiken disappeared. The next night, two. Then another one. Then nothing happened. no eggs anymore.
soemtimes i feel shit ;(
the end
sponge and seacucumber, coral, irrawaddy dolphin
Nasikabatrachus bhupathi
Thanks to the internet, you can order socks and underpants on the internet, pay for socks and underpants on the internet, and receive socks and underpants right at your home!
I like the wind. It calms me.
Source: (fortunately or unfortunately) Me, this video by CGP grey
These help for me personally, I don't know if you'll experience the same, I'm not a doctor
This may not work for you. It might not work instantaneous
I'm kind of in a struggle myself right now
joppiesaus: I don't know what this means but I saw this in the comments of a drivable gyrocopter: СТАВЬ ЛАЙК ЕСЛИ АДМИН МУРЗИЛКИ ПЕТУХ СТАВЬ ДИСЛАЙК ЕСЛИ БЫ ОТСОСАЛ У НЕГО (loud) Douk Nouk Kem: PRESS LIKE IF ADMIN OF МУРЗИЛКА IS A CHICKEN Douk Nouk Kem: PRESS DISLIKE IF YOU WOULD SUCK HIM Douk Nouk Kem: That's the literal Douk Nouk Kem: Murzilka is probably some VK group joppiesaus: are you actually serious Douk Nouk Kem: Or a channel Douk Nouk Kem: Yeah joppiesaus: https://youtube.be/GfMNtCPChxo Douk Nouk Kem: Петух is literally a chicken Douk Nouk Kem: But is used more often as faggot Douk Nouk Kem: Like HUEHUEHUE Douk Nouk Kem: Oh you Douk Nouk Kem: Memelord Douk Nouk Kem: You Douk Nouk Kem: ;) Douk Nouk Kem: Gonna get a shower, brb Douk Nouk Kem: Without my dad Kappa
joppiesaus: sup my dood joppiesaus: soupp my dood FruitGish: soup FruitGish: SOUCC
FruitGish: DUDE FruitGish: I FOUND SOME FruitGish: SALMIAK FruitGish: LEFT FruitGish: nice
I want to test if I get shadowbanned or censored if I put a piratebay link on my webpage: so here is an excellent documentary about The Pirate Bay called TPB AFK (magnet link)
The Pirate Bay is a way of consuming - or something idk
It's been a while so I guess not?
Today I read A.N. Lucas's Halloween 2017 page, where he describes that he missed perhaps his last chance to go trick or treating.
It reminded me of myself being in such an situation. I'm not sure when it was, but it was around a time I thought it was time to "grow up". I was extremely insecure and self-conscious, trying to "fit in". I followed fashion(or I tried) and did all sorts of stupid stuff.
My friend called, I hadn't seen him for quite some time. He asked if we'd go trick-or-treating this Halloween. I said: "I think we are too old for this.". We didn't go. We never went trick-or-treating again.
Which may sound reasonable, but at the time I was think 12, maybe 13..? I have no idea. The point is that I was obviously a kid, and we could've easily pulled it off.
But most of all, where we live, halloween isn't a thing. It doesn't exist. Few know about the irish fest that went to america that didn't come over here. It was already ridiculous, therefore age wouldn't matter that much, as long as you were young I suppose.
I was either dressed as a ghost or as a zombie thinggy with a fake bolt through my head, he is dressed as a vampire??? So we went through the village door by door in the dark, when somebody opened a door we would yell a poorly translated trick or treat, or candy or your life. A lot of people didn't have candy. Some people were confused, so we explained now and then.
Some people were like "I don't have any candy but I do have fruit", and then my friend would say "I'm sorry we can no longer accept any fruit. Previous year we got a lot of fruit, and we failed to consume it all.". Hilarious! I can still remember my face sweating because of the costume. Some people gave whole chocolate bars - mostly relatively old pleasantly surprised people. Some people just gave some candy. But in the end, we both had quite some candy, I think at least 1 kg, I'm not sure how much. But it was very fun. I think it accomplished, even though the lack of people doing it. I loved it. Thank you, friend!
Why do many people see climate change as a burden and get defensive about it? Why don't they see it as a oppurtunity to discard old stuff and create something cool? Will computers be able to be concious in the future? Will we prefer personal robots over human contact? Why does humanity sometimes go backwards in progress instead of forwards? Do people forget why we live in peace together? Are people short-sighted? Why do humans not see obvious evidence but instead look for something else? Will humans one day be able to upload their conciousness to a computer? Would that move their existence, or fork it? Would they want to? Electric airplanes seemed far fetched - like electric cars once were, but now they are starting to get cheaper per km - But is that still true today? Someone did the pioneering. That's amazing.
Can you both be happy and be a realist? It's not a coincidence a lot of depressed people are realistic. Perhaps people are naive and optimistic because otherwise they would get unhappy. It's weird that people value their life more and spend it differently knowing that they'll die in a year, whereas if they don't know when, they spend it differently.
Guess what? I'LL NEVER BE AN ADULT!! this site is always going to be stuff like this!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
also i planted seeds and hopefully it will be a flower but it's been a week and still nothing so yeah if it doesn't come out i'll plant something else
oh yesterday i was exceedingly sad and i made this
UPDATE: the seeds haven't germinated yet, instead some of them started to grow some sort of fungus on them. I'll plant new ones!
UPDATE 2: I planted seeds on a piece of ground a while ago, these are now beautiful kinds of flowers!
Dreams. In my dreams, I don't have to be anything, there are no expectations. I'm not thinking of the past, nor worrying about the future, I don't have to do anything, it all just happens to me and I just let it go over me.